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Break the Cycle - TV Campaign

Have you ever been trapped in a cycle, but didn’t know it? In these films, we bring to life the unhealthy eating cycles we fall into (but aren’t actually aware of) and show how Noom’s psychology-backed curriculum helps us break out of them.

Clean Plate Club :30

Food Pusher :30

Fog Eating :30

ECD: Zaid Al-Asady CD: Kacey Coburn CW+AD: Chiyeung Lau, Katherine Borah Director: Dave Meyers


Getting Personal - Social Campaign

We were asked to create social proof films that featured real users talking about their success with Noom. Instead of only focusing on weight loss and numbers, like other testimonial videos in the category, we chose to highlight our users’ unique personalities and hobbies.


UX Copywriting

Noom underwent a total rebrand and I was tasked with rewriting key pages for the website with their new tone of voice.